Make a one-minute video and send it to the Minnesota Catholic Conference. Tell lawmakers how your family would benefit from a new state-level child tax credit. Grandparents, you can share your story too!
Please consider picking up a baby bottle on the weekend of January 22. The bottle can be filled with whatever extra money you have, and Culture of Life will give them to the Women's Life Care Center
Support for mothers, fathers and their little ones during pregnancy and beyond is essential to bringing about a culture of life! During October, we are collecting items to be distributed by the Women's Life Care Center. Donations can be dropped off in the crib located in the Gathering Space. See the Respect Life page for more information.
Catholics at the Capitol is back, and the need for Minnesota Catholics to speak up for life and dignity is greater now than ever. The big day is April 15, but registration is open now
9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life. The novena runs from January 21-29
Twenty-five years ago, Pope St. John Paul II wrote that the Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus’ saving message to the world (Evangelium vitae 1). We offer this respect life reflection reprinted from the USCCB as we approach the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision on January 22.