Support for mothers, fathers and their little ones during pregnancy and beyond is essential to bringing about a culture of life! During October, we are collecting items to be distributed by the Women's Life Care Center. Donations can be dropped off in the crib located in the Gathering Space. See the Respect Life page for more information.
October is Respect Life Month and we have a variety of events and opportunities planned as we pray and work to bring about a greater respect for life from conception to natural death. The USCCB has developed materials for Respect Life Month based upon the year of St. Joseph. Check out all the events here!
Join us for our annual Mass of Anointing on September 28, 10:30 AM. This is a wonderful way to experience the healing presence of the Lord! Questions? Contact Deacon Eric Cooley, Director of Pastoral Care, at 651-288-3268. Please register by clicking the image.