The success of our recent Strengthened in Faith Capital Campaign has put Saint John’s Parish in a position to pay off the existing mortgage. We hope to do that this summer, when the current financial uncertainty in our community settles down.
4:30 PM Saturday Mass will be streamed live via our Facebook page. Be sure to check it out, and get some more updates on church hours during "shelter in place."
Urbi et Orbi Blessing from Pope Francis will be broadcast live from Saint Peter's Square at noon (CDT) Friday, March 27. See the links to both the live broadcast and more information about the associated plenary indulgence here.
Father Tom provides updates on Church and Parish Office hours, ways to give back during this time of isolation, this weekend's hymns and music live (courtesy of Director of Liturgy and Music, Ryan Chimzar), and some amazing digital nuggets of spiritual and emotional hope.
In this e-newsletter, you will find Saint John's plan addressing the increased risk of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please note that we are basing all decisions balancing the requirements of the CDC and MDH, in accordance with directives of the Archdiocese. As things are changing hourly, this is the plan as of today, and it might change tomorrow: Alternatives to live Mass Weekly Giving: Now ONLINE! Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction Confessions Revised Parish Office Hours Pastoral Emergencies Health Resources
Read Archbishop Hebda's letter from March 12 granting a dispensation to all Catholics in the Archdiocese from the Sunday Mass obligation and calling upon all Catholics to increase prayer and fasting.
Join us at 7:00 PM Tuesday, March 10, for the Archdiocesan Holy Hour for Vocations, and witness the blessing of our Crucifixes that will be used in our Vocations Crucifix Program, which launches at Masses on March 14-15.