The Traditional Choir is an SATB choir under the direction of Dr. Noelle Notermann. Their repertoire spans the history of sacred music - from the Renaissance to the Modern Era - and their selections are offered to uplift and enhance the liturgy by bringing hearts and minds closer to Christ in the Mass. The Traditional Choir practices Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30 pm in the Church, and sings at the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass three times a month during the school year. They also offer sacred choral music on holy days, and at Christmas and Easter. New members are always welcome!
The Contemporary Ensemble leads the music at the Sunday 10:30 am Mass with a variety of music styles. The volunteer members practice in the evening and before Mass on Sunday. Singers and instrumentalists are welcome! For more information about joining or supporting the Contemporary Ensemble, please contact the Contemporary Ensemble Director - Pauline Danielson.
Cantors are responsible for the psalm and litanies and also lead and animate the people in their work of singing the liturgy. Music proficiency is required. If you are interested in learning more about the role of cantor at St John's, please contact Noelle Notermann.
Keyboardists - piano and/or organ - accompany the assembly in sung prayer. Music proficiency is required. To audition, contact Noelle Notermann.
Instrumentalists If you have an instrumental talent you would love to share, please contact Noelle Notermann or Pauline Danielson to discuss your involvement.