Congratulations on your engagement!
To schedule your wedding or for additional information regarding wedding guidelines at Saint John's, please contact the Pastor at 651-288-3265. Marriage readiness can be made apparent only after meeting with the parish priest. We urge you to not set any dates before this meeting. Wedding dates cannot be given out over the phone by the parish office staff.
The date of the wedding is determined by the couple's readiness for Christian Marriage. Please allow a minimum of six months for preparation. To assure the date you want for your wedding, and to avoid unnecessary pressure, you are encouraged to begin the process much earlier. As a rule, most couples begin nine to twelve months in advance of the proposed wedding date.
Like all Sacraments, the preparation for, and the celebration of, the Sacrament of Marriage is grounded in the life and worship of a parish. More than an exchange of vows, even more than a couple's expression of love for each other, the wedding liturgy is a public statement of the faith that will guide and shape the union of the couple. It is a prayer by them that God will be with them "in good times and bad."
For this reason, the Church has the responsibility to see that the couple is prepared to celebrate the sacrament of Marriage, not just as a day but as a way of life. The community of Saint John's is happy to assist you in preparing for this Sacrament.