"Creating vibrant Catholic cultures."
Saint John the Evangelist Faith Formation pre-evangelizes and evangelizes parishioners and then calls, nurtures, and equips them to be intentional, missionary disciples of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church so they might create vibrant Catholic cultures in their homes and might lead a life pleasing to God, all for His Glory.
Young Adults
Catholic Watchmen
Small Groups
Bible Studies
Home Learning Opportunities
Marriage Retreats & Counseling
Baptism Preparation - Inspire and equip parents to intentionally create a vibrant Catholic culture in their home life and to inspire their children to become saints. "To make saintly families."
First Confession and First Communion Preparation - Inspire and equip children and their parents to live a life of Sacramental union with God through daily prayer, monthly Confession, and weekly (or daily) assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the fruitful reception of Holy Communion while in a state of grace. "To make saintly children."
Confirmation Preparation - Inspire and equip teens, their parents, and their sponsors to help prepare the minds and hearts of the teens to receive a further outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation so they will commit to be lifelong, intentional disciples of Jesus Christ in His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church through Christ-centered friendships, ongoing Catholic formation, daily prayer, monthly Confession, and weekly (or daily) assistance at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the fruitful reception of Holy Communion while in a state of grace. "To make saintly youth."
Becoming Catholic (OCIA) (The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) - Pre-evangelizes and evangelizes prospective Catholics and then calls, nurtures, and equips them to be missionary disciples of Jesus Christ in the Catholic Church so they might create vibrant Catholic cultures in their homes and family lives and might lead a life pleasing to God, all for His Glory. "To make saintly Catholic disciples."
Marriage Preparation - Inspire and equip couples to commit to free, total, faithful, fruitful, and loving marriages centered on creating a strong Catholic culture in the home and parish and on mutual, complete self-gift between spouses. "To make saintly marriages."