Discipleship in the Catholic sense is the process of helping someone become like Christ. To be a disciple of Christ is to become like Christ in everything. As such, Saint John's continues its series of events that launched in Fall 2020 dedicated to providing social avenues for everyone to develop in our Faith, wherever we are at.
A dedicated committee has crafted an exciting line-up of presentations and activities, geared toward sharing and growing our Faith in a family-friendly environment conveniently positioned right in between both Sunday Masses (at 9:30 AM) to encourage attendees from both Masses to attend and participate. Each month, there will be free childcare for ages 0-2 and 3-5, age-appropriate activities for school-aged children, and engaging speakers or presentations for adults, along with delicious food, juice and coffee.
A typical Discipleship Sunday schedule looks something like this:
8:30 AM: Mass
9:30 AM: DISCIPLESHIP SUNDAY Food, Faith, Fellowship & Fun
10:30 AM: Mass
If you didn't go at 8:30, come early for activities and stay for Mass!
We hope you'll join us for any or all of these exciting events!