Weekend Masses streaming live on our Facebook Page
on Saturdays at 4:30pm!
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Live from Saint John's!Weekend Masses streaming live on our Facebook Page
on Saturdays at 4:30pm!Check It Outhttps://www.facebook.com/SaintJohnChurchofLittleCanada/live_videos_blank
Worship AidLiturgy and music materials for at-home useClick Here/online-mass-readings_self
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Join Our SchoolGreat Catholic education is just a click away!Schedule A Tourhttps://school.sjolc.org/tour_blank
Saint John's Church of Little Canada is a parish community founded and rooted in the Roman Catholic tradition, centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ, celebrating His presence in the Eucharist, and reaching out to welcome others.
"Children and families are always welcome here!"
"It's great coming together as a parish community"
Now when the Pharisees and some of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem gathered around him, they noticed that some of his disciples were eating with defiled hands, that is, without washing them.